Renewal Dates for Current Members

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Renewal Dates for Current Members
Please note, 31 August is not recognized by the Database, it defaults to 1 September as the renewal date. All memberships will thus expire as of Midnight 31 August of the year
For those members whose dues are due between July of 2016 through December of 2016, they will pay National Dues of $20.00 and dues will be due on 31 August 2017 (Cards will be dated 1 September). Members with expiration dates between Jan through June will pay National Dues of $10 and their Dues will be due on 31 August 2017. Once a member is paid up through 31 August 2017, you can submit their annual dues any time prior to 31 August 2018. The same will then be applicable for all years; you can have the member pay anytime you wish and the dues are extended one additional year to the 31 August. Only the current fiscal year will be affected by the $20 or $10 National Dues depending on the date of their renewal; all other years will be the amount of the annual dues and they are due on the 31 August. Remember, all cards will show 1 September as the date (the database cannot recognize 31 August as the renewal date, it defaults to 1 September).
My suggestion; going forward is to break your membership down to certain months and submit transmittals monthly; once the members’ transmittal is received, they will be assigned the new expiration date of August 31st of 2018 (again card will be dated 1 September).
For New Joins, the dates are as follows:
1 Sept – End of February: Cost will be the full annual National Dues plus the National new join fee. (Current cost is $20.00 + $5.00 = $25.00) (The renewal dues will be due by 31 August and the card dated 1 September).
1 March – End of July: Cost is half of the annual National Dues plus the National new join fee. (Current cost is $10.00 + $5.00 = $15.00)
The renewal dues will be due by 31 August and the card dated 1 September. New Joins during the month of August will pay the full annual National Dues plus the National new join fee (Current cost $20.00 + $5.00 = $25.00) and the card expiration will be 31 August of the following year with a date of 1 September on the card – they will get 13 months of membership for the cost of 12 months.
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact the Membership Department (J.D. Foster) at e-mail address
Semper Fi Tom National Executive Director